Ernest Sill View Condolences - Bonner Springs, Kansas | Alden Harrington Funeral Home


Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill Ernest Sill
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Alden Harrington Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Bart W. Howk
"My thoughts are with you and your family."
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Condolence From: Shane Johnson and Family
Condolence: I was sorry to hear of Sandy's passing, our hearts and prayers have been with you this week. I have fond memories of Sandy from our time as neighbors and will always remember him most for the time he spent with his grandchildren tooling around on his little motorbikes. He was always a joy to talk to and spend even a few brief moments with. Rejoice in the life he spent on earth and remember the impact he left on others. May god have a special place for Sandy and be with you during this difficult time.
Thursday April 11, 2013
Condolence From: Kathy Vick Elliott
Condolence: Steve & family, I am saddened to hear of your loss, may the love of those around you help you through the days ahead. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thursday April 11, 2013
Condolence From: Evelyn Longenecker Pawley
Condolence: I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thursday April 11, 2013
Condolence From: Joyce and Lynn
Condolence: So glad that we were able to share in your 50th anniversary! We will miss Sandy! He was always so friendly and glad to see us. Sending prayers your way for comfort and strength. We love you all!
Wednesday April 10, 2013
Condolence From: Bill & Michelle Loe
Condolence: I first met Sandy when we started attending Trinity Fellowship in 1999. There was never a time that Sandy would not take the time to talk to me. I remember meeting Sandy out at the church's property where you could see him mowing and taking care of the lot. My son, Jeremy, reminded me about one of the things Sandy loved - do-nut holes! When Michelle and I were in charge of the "Do-nut Ministry" at church, Sandy always asked for do-nut holes. We would have some in a bag just for him. I know without any doubt that we will see Sandy again in heaven with Jesus. Maybe Sandy and I will share a few do-nut holes. Blessings to Vivian and the family. Michelle and I love you!
Wednesday April 10, 2013
Condolence From: Bob and Carol Fisher
Condolence: Vivian and family, We pray you will experience God' comfort and uplifting Presence now and in the days ahead. We know you will miss Sandy immensely. Gob bless you. Bob and Carol Fisher
Wednesday April 10, 2013
Condolence From: Robin Patterson
Condolence: I will always miss Sandy's warm smile and the pat on my arm he gave me every Sunday when we greeted each other at church. My thoughts and prayers are with Vivian and the Sill family during this difficult time.
Wednesday April 10, 2013

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